
In the framework of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrád Group (V4), a meeting of the defence and law enforcement committees of the national Parliaments of Visegrád (V4) countries and Slovenia was held in Debrecen on 27-28 January 2022, organised by the Hungarian National Assembly. Discussions were held on issues related to the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum and on defence co-operation among V4 countries. The event was hosted by Lajos Kósa, Chair of the National Assembly’s Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement, and attended by dr. Miklós Simon, Deputy Chair of the Committee, and Mónika Bartos, Member of the Committee.

Organised by the Hungarian National Assembly under the Hungarian V4 Presidency, a videoconference of the Committees on Economics of the national Parliaments of the Visegrad Countries was held on 10 December 2021. The event was hosted by Erik Bánki, Chair of the Committee on Economics of the Hungarian National Assembly, with participants including Vice-Chair dr. Tamás Mellár and Committee Member Gábor Varga.

A videoconference of the Agriculture Committees of the national parliaments of Visegrád countries, organised by the Hungarian National Assembly within the framework of the Hungarian V4 Presidency, took place on 8 December 2021, on current issues concerning the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. The event was hosted by Sándor Font, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture of the Hungarian National Assembly.