The Hungarian National Assembly has always been committed to developing the parliamentary dimension of the Visegrád Cooperation established in 1991. Parliamentary relations have been regular since the 1998 meeting of the chairmen of Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees of the Visegrád Group countries, and consultations between the Speakers of Parliaments have been common since the 2003 Budapest meeting of the Speakers. |
Czech Presidency 1.7.2019 - 30.6.2020
Speaker-level meetings
On 17-18 November 2019, under the Czech Presidency of the Visegrád Group, organised by the Senate of the Czech Republic, the Conference of Presidents and Speakers of Parliaments of V4 Countries was held in Prague on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution.
Committee-level meetings
At the invitation of the Czech Chamber of Deputies, the Meeting of the Committees on Economic Affairs of the V4 parliaments was held in Prague on 3-4 February 2020. At the meeting the Hungarian National Assembly was represented by Jenő Manninger, Deputy Chair of the Committee on Economics and by Anita Potocskáné Kőrösi, member of the committee.
The Czech Chamber of Deputies, in cooperation with the Czech Senate, organised a joint committee meeting for the Defence Committees of the V4 parliaments on 7–8 January 2020. At the meeting the National Assembly was represented by Miklós Simon, Deputy Chair of the Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement.
At the invitation of dr. Richárd Hörcsik, the Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly, the European Affairs Committees of the V4 Parliaments met in Sárospatak on 8-10 September 2019. At the meeting, the European Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly was represented by the Chair, the Vice-Chair Zoltán Tessely, as well as by committee members Hajnalka Juhász and dr. Bernadett Szél.