At the initiative of Wiesław Szczepański, the Chair of the Committee on Administration and Home Affairs in the Polish Sejm, a videoconference was held for the Committees on Administration and Home Affairs of the Parliaments of Visegrád countries on 13 May 2021. There were two items on the meeting’s agenda: border security in relation to the expected increase in the number of refugees and terrorist threats in Central and Eastern Europe, with a focus on phenomena observed in Visegrád countries.
At the initiative of Marek Kuchciński, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Sejm, a videoconference was organised for the second time on March 29, 2021 for the Chairpersons of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the parliaments of Visegrád and Baltic countries.
Videoconference of the Chairs of Foreign Affairs Committees of the V4 Parliaments, 15 December 2020.
The meeting of the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the V4 parliaments was held on 15 December 2020 in the form of a video conference upon the initiative of Marek Kuchciński, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Sejm, under the auspices of the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group. The Hungarian National Assembly was represented at the meeting by Zsolt Németh, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.